Tenerife opens its doors to MAPAS Mercado with the best of the performing arts

Tenerife has opened its doors to MAPAS Mercado with the best of the performing arts from the South Atlantic. The first day of the market on the island of Tenerife left four high-level shows from arrivals on the island from Colombia, Mozambique, South Africa and Portugal. The performing arts program began at the Tenerife Auditorium, at 5:30 p.m., with the piece Black Belt, by Kubilai Khan Investigations, followed by Teatro Só in the Plaza del Auditorio, Sorriso. The MAPAS Mercado event in the capital of Tenerife was completed with Teatro de Petra, which performed Historia de una Sheep, at the Teatro Guimerá; and the piece Faint Patch of Light, by Qoniswa James. In addition, tomorrow, in the Auditorium, the Illustrious Cartographer 2022 José Sanchis Sinisterra award was presented for his professional career.
