International Connexions Platform

MAPS will be renewed as a deuxième edition as a point of strategic rencontre of international character who has contacted the arts of the scène et culturels et structure a système professionnel d'échange, accords, affaires et diffusion de la culture. Celui-ci is a des objectifs that, depuis l'origine, to souligné l'organisation de ce marché des […]

International connection platform

MAPAS is consolidated in its second edition as a strategic international meeting point that connects the performing and cultural arts and supports a professional system of exchange, agreements, business and dissemination of culture. This is one of the great objectives that the organization of this […]

MAPS, encore a country

L'histoire de notre île is a career of cultures, of sangs, of voyageurs qui allaient et venaient, of gens de tous les coins du monde qui ont trouvé ici the end of a voyage qui peut-être était un autre. Ce métissage is trouve dans notre société créole, dans notre langue, dans nos vieux bâtiments et rues. Dans […]

MAPS, one more step

The history of our island is a crossroads of cultures, of bloods, of travelers who came and went, of people from all corners who found here the end of a journey that was perhaps another. That mixture is in our Creole society, in our language, in our old buildings and streets. In our […]

MAPS, one step further

The history of our island is a crossroads of cultures, of families, of travelers who came and went. of people from every corner of the world who found the final stop of a journey that perhaps was meant to be another. That mixture is in our Creole society, in our language, in our old buildings […]